The Boxer
Simon + Garfunkel
1: | BI am just a poor boy though my story's seldom tGmold I have sFquandered my resistance for a pocket full of mumbles such are prBomises all lies and jGmests still a mFan hears what he wD#ants to hear and disregards the rBestF. B |
2: | When I lBeft my home and my family I was no more than a bGmoy in the cFompany of strangers in the qCm7uiet of the railway station rBunning scared laying lGmow, seeking Fout the poorer qD#uarters where the ragged people gBo looking fFor the places D#only thDmey wCmould knBow. |
R: | Lie la lGmie .F..Gm D# F B |
3: | Asking Bonly workman's wages I come looking for a jGmob but I get no Foffers, just a cCm7ome-on from the whores on SBeventh Avenue I do declGmare there were tCm7imes when BI was sD#o lonesome I took some comfort thBere oo-la-laF .B.. |
4: | Then I'm lBaying out my winter clothes F7and wBishing I was gGmone going hFome where the NCm7ew York CF7ity winters Faren't blBeeding me leading mDme, Gmgoing hFomeB. |
5: | In the clBearing stands a boxer and a fighter by his trGmade and he cFarries the reminders of F7ev'ry glove that laid him down or cBut him tCm7ill hF7e crBied out in his anger and his shGmame "I am lFeaving, I am lD#eaving" but the fighter still remBains. |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T21:44:44.977+00:00
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